as breastfeeding week continues...

it's tuesday already!
and you know what that means... oh, you don't? ...i don't either.
in all seriousness, though, i'd be interested in beginning to review products and also begin doing giveaways. that's right, i said GIVEAWAYS! everyone loves those! i'll probably start off small with, say, cloth diaper detergent samples (rockin' green, anyone?), snappis, etc. little things that i would be giving away out of my own pocket, rather than obtaining sponsorship in any way for the little things. i want to help raise awareness of nifty little things in the cloth diapering world, make small contributions to others interested in trying the product, etc.

as reviews go, i just ordered a few things from dandelion baby's website and am going to choose one product to review as i try them all out. all i can say is that everything is SUPER cute... i got a few melissa & doug toys for my little guy, along with some babylegs (been dying to have some for him), a fleece pilot cap for the fall/winter months, an adorable t-shirt for next spring/summer, and a teething bon-bon. again, one of these products will be chosen to review. unfortunately, i won't be giving any of these bad boys away. but soon! i'll build up some hype for any upcoming giveaways.

in other news, as my little guy is making huge progress in sitting up unassisted (he does amazingly well, really!), i also discovered something very bittersweet yesterday... the top of a little tooth peeking out of that sweet little mouth. yep, teething season has begun! and while i am excited (and even a little apprehensive) at this next season in the growth and changes of my handsome little man, i am sad that his adorable, heart-melting, cute-as-all-get-out toothless little grin will be gone forever... until he turns 105 years old, maybe, and i likely won't be around to see that.

i'd love to get feedback regarding what other moms would like to see being reviewed or given away!


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